Tag Archives: Venice

Trip to Italy-the retail therapy

oh God. the shopping was fantastic, what wasn’t was the limited time allocated for shopping >.< not too impressed by how our tour guide arranged the day to day itinerary as it didn’t allow us much time on our own. so recently in april me, mom, aunty flo and uncle sam went for a trip to italy. we covered a few cities.. hmm if laziness or procrastination wears off i might blog about the trip. but this post is about the stuff i bought!

i think I’m gonna be eating porridge for a few months. but maybe not because mr awesome is feeding me 😉


our haul from Venice, where we had 2 hours to shop so we only managed to pop by Chanel and MiuMiuImage

and this is from Rome, managed to purchase all the above items within 45 mins. I’m gonna do individual unboxing post for the MiuMiu, Chanel and LV..wait for it  ok?Image

found these beautiful snakeskin bangles in Pisa, since i missed the chance to look for them in Florence, where i remember i bought a few during my last trip years ago. snapped up a few in various colors, not all of them are mine..this stack here includes mom’s and aunty flo’sImage

wearing all mine together, love how it goes well with my Pandora bracelet ❤ ❤Image

not so flattering pic of me at Serravalle Designer Outlet with some of our haulImageImage

found the shoes of my dreams. my very first pair of ferragamo shoes 😀 i love the gold studs.. and thank goodness there was my size at the outlet, so i got it at a very good price tooImage

and my mom’s, a more subdued pair less rocking but still very pretty ain’t it

and finally, a pic of our haul, minus some misc stuff (all the ones that g0t my heart racing are in this pic 😉



On holiday !


Saying hi from Venice! Currently already in Rome tho.n my non exhaustive shopping list is faaaarrr from done! Missing my baby so much. Can’t wait to be back (still gotta get the list done 😉